May 4, 2002 Birthday Celebration

Let's play pin the tail on the donkey!
Oh yeah, right, I don't think so, scoffs Dustin.
Considering that there were six people celebrating their birthdays within 2 weeks of each other, they decided to just pool those celebrations for a birthday bash.

Here is the first group to get to Chi's place (not cheesecake), a rather hungry bunch exemplified by Tuan and Olivia.

Come one come all.
Tuan guards the table of food, but Azeem (far background) managed to sneak a few wings on his plate.

Just kidding.  Vegetarian Azeem waited for his shrimp kebobs.

Nick keeps sun-drowsy Thanh awake.
It was a perfect day for a barbeque, actually being "too" sunny at times.  Nick takes a break from the grill and joins Thanh for a chat.

Hmm, so Americans like barbeque sauce?
Observing the strangeness of American barbeque are Ryoko and Megumi.  Megumi was visiting Ryoko from Indiana that weekend.

Diego was more focused at Nick by the barbeque.
After several hours, the rest arrived at the happening scene of yummy smells, laughter, talk, and balloons strung around the roof of the house.

Ron with his internal dance club.
Ron was the most chipper of the group, bringing his CD player in case there was no boom box.  It was noisy enough as it was; the backyard was alive with voices. 

Steve explains the intricacies of eating pork chops to Chi.
It turned out beneficial for the party not to have enough seats because it forced everyone to mingle.  There were many activities offered that day -- chasing a little kid, playing Vietnamese hackey sack, looking for earthworms, watching muy thai, and the list continues.

Craigy and me.
Craig and I enjoyed the afternoon barbeque then had to leave to meet other friends for a Q101 Cinco de Mayo (a day early) block party.  There we heard Mest and 2 Skinny Jay's.  The others tried to see Spiderman and had a get-together at Dustin's apartment.

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