Chris B. with sopping wet hair, smiles as he packs his bags.
Charles W. and Chris show the latest hair trend ... except with real butterflies, compliments of the SAVE Club. |
Audrey wows the courtyard crowd with her moves as she deftly dances on high-heeled shoes.
Carl with friends ... uh, don't exactly know where this was taken ... Michael, can you please email me the details so I can write a more informative caption? |
Ahhh ... are second home in Singapore. The words never shone so bright against the backdrop of redbrick. The eagle never looked so regal. Sorry, this is a homesick college girl rambling.
Casey, Kara, and Stephanie "Slacker-no-more" daintily sip on lemonades @ California Lemon after a lazertag game and before catching a movie. They have a jukebox that plays OUR song -- Song2 by Blur. |
Deena tackles Cousin It ... or is it a mutant hairball? No, it's Won Hee who desperately tries to avoid the camera (or else she'll melt). |
Some of the track stars having dinner. (Banging knives and forks) Athletes need their food! |
A sign that belongs on my door that's found everywhere in Singapore because construction is never-ending in this country that constantly needs to fix roads that do not require more mending. It can also be found near housing developments that sprout as fast as mushrooms. |
The Eagles track team re-energizes with always refreshing H20.