Michael Visits the Windy City

Whistle while you work!

Michael cleans the John Hancock windows as a charity project for the city of Chicago, with a perfect view of the lakeshore.

Jane does not whistle because she does not know how.  Instead, she looks constipated.

Little did we know what would happen at the John Hancock the next day -- a scaffolding, similar to the one we are standing on right now, fell because of strong winds killing three people.

A quick peek into the base of operations for DePaul's WRDP 640 am Demon Radio.

Oli and Stein from 6 to 9, feat. Jane with the news.  Listen to us every Thursday night!

Craig writes a playlist while Olivia controls the mike boom.

Caught in the act.  Jane in the news booth where she relays important information to thousands (actually, say 5 listeners) every Thursday night.

Michael surveys our small setup, sitting in front of cds that MUST be in order or else hell will reign.

Brought Michael really fast to Hot House, a cultural center for the arts.

For lack of friends (boo hoo, sniff sniff), we played with bronze children at Navy Pier.

Going around senselessly in a circle at twilight are Olivia, Tuan, Harold, and a falling Michael.

Later, Michael got kicked by the nearest bronze girl.  Jane takes Tuan's place.
