
Cheli-belly with "doofy" Janey.

While my study-mate talked to friends, Cheli and I bothered a nearby student to take our picture.

Diego and Olivia joined us soon after this shot and completely distracted Cheli.  She later decided that Pig Latin was more interesting than biology.

The two said "wha" instead of "cheese!"

The SAC pit seems to replace the Stuart cafeteria as the place to be to socialize.  We saw several friends pass through the comfortable, coffee-scented square, including Rioko with her Japanese-speaking friend.

Enjoying her last day in DePaul for this school year.

"Hi, Jane."  Gabe, Kristina's friend, surprises me with my name. Kristina apparently talks about me to her friends!  Hmm!


Do we look alike?  HUH?  Do WE?!?!

I hide my Communications test nervousness for a picture with Olivia.

She also helped me with my uneaten lunch.

Ecstatic that Autumn Quarter finals are over.

Diego with Tina who passed by us a million times, saying goodbye and happy holidays to various friends.

It was a very "Spanish" afternoon.  Luvia walked by and joined Olivia, Cheli and Diego.  They spoke in Spanish, Pig Latin, Pig Latin Spanish; Kristina and I struggled with English in Linguistics Communication class; and Rioko and her friend conversed in Japanese (also with Olivia and Diego).

Finally, @ 5 p.m., poor, sick Craigy-boo gets off work.

Allan, Pam, Anh and Tom, me, Kyle, Tuan, and Tedalo.  I caught them en route to AMC 30 movie theaters, South Barrington to watch three movies on one ticket.  Originally part of the movie-hopping gang, I opted to stay in my dorm and finish packing.  I wish them luck, though.

Thoughts on Autumn Quarter 2001 ... it was more academically rigorous; we could not go on as many outings because studies became first priority.  All in all, I was pleased with all ten weeks.  I just wish that our school year does not zip by so fast since I want to relish my college years.
