
<--To my pleasant surprise, the whole family picked me up from the airport. I barely recognized Samantha . . . a dramatic change from her middle school photos. Poor Tito Dennis was recovering from the flu, and I really appreciated his coming to pick me up.
-->By the fireplace of the house on WhiteBird Drive, the site of countless pictures sent to us in the Philippines, Taiwan, or Singapore.

<--After two months of eating poison disguised as food in college, my stomach thanked them endlessly for providing me with good Filipino home-cooked meals (and authentic Mexican food).
-->With Tito Roland taking the picture, we decided to take another proof that I was finally visiting Corpus Christi.

<--The ladies of the family.
-->In front of the TV, their important source of Survivor and other reality-based shows (the WhiteBird Drive people are absolutely hooked on it), while Sam showcases the wreath on her head.

<--Some of the "Balut" relatives (did I spell Balut right?) as I knew them growing up in the Philippines.
-->This picture should have been the first. The first time I walked through the threshold of the WhiteBird Drive house, face shocked @ seeing Fudgy.

<--Tito Albert & I brave the winds and the choppy waters during this wonderful picture-taking opportunity.
-->Another angle signaling the impeding storm.