Summer.2000|| AAC|| DePaul|| Summer.2000|| Walk|| Outings|| Ppl|| Residence|| Fun.w/.camS

Nina treated friends to dinner @ a Portillo's near Elmhurst and headed down to Enchanted Castle, an arcade/restaurant, in another suburb (Olivia tallied the number of suburbs she knows). There we played lasertag and the girls lost horribly, thanks to other team's excellent cheating techniques.
While waiting for our turn @ lasertag, Daven, Maria, and Olivia discovered Jane's hair and in order to pass the time, started a "smallest braids" contest.
The night ended back @ Nina's house where her parents set out a Filipino feast for hungry guests.
Full to the brim after eating, all we could do is lounge and wait for the cake.
Allan would do anything for his best friend, Joven, including a treat at Zephyr's, an ice-cream parlor for Joven's birthday. The group rendesvouz was @ the parking lot across the street where we all stalled until someone pointed out that Joven might get to Zephyr's before us.
Joven was succesfully surprised. Aaron went around taking candid pictures, most of which were out of focus.
