Jane Turns 20!

Here's "Like whatever!" & "Oh my God!"

Claire and Ilia later decided to take me out for birthday sundaes with Craig.

Craigy caboodle and Janey of the Jungle-y.

Craigy and I shared a huge fudge sundae, with all the fudge at the bottom.

Craigy's Angels:About to kick our stupid waiter's butt.

My wonderful burpy girls. :-)

Here I blow again.

Craig surprised me with my favorite cookies and candles. Craig, you're soooo sweet. 

Good thing no one can see Andrew's tongue.

Charles and Andrew, practically my second roommates, share a spot as I take this shot.

Always our cheer-uppers.

Aww, :-) I wandered towards the bedroom and caught Chrissy and hatless Luke.  (W/ a hat co'z bad pictures do not exist in his vocabulary).



And that was my 20th birthday.
